‘It's difficult for me to say what Parma's problem might be, but I know that during the championship there are periods when you struggle more and other moments when everything comes easier. This morning, I had my training session and I saw a team with many strong individuals, a team that has strength and a coach and staff who take care of every detail.These are prerequisites for a good start. The ultimate goal is to win as many points as possible. For the match against AC Milan, I am at Pecchia's disposal. I think, given the qualities that I have, I can give a hand both on the field and inside the locker room. As an opponent, I have always seen a Parma that focuses on quality and on young players with important prospects. I have found an important, serious project that will continue over the years. I'm happy to be here and give my contribution. As a player, I like playing with the team and with the players on the wing. I am someone who sacrifices for the team and the club. I trained with the team for the first time today, and I saw many strong guys with individuality and incredible characteristics: the guys are very energetic and pushing hard.'
‘In recent years, I have always found myself in teams whose goal was salvation. So, not just me, but everyone was pulling in the same direction. I know what it takes to reach certain goals. I bring my experience with me to Parma, and I'm sure that with my teammates, the coach and the staff, we will succeed in reaching the final goal. I am coming into a team that did very well last year and I will try to give my experience, my work ethic and my professionalism both on and off the field. I am at the complete disposal of the team. I'll also help with body care, I'll give advice on that too. There's a lot of quality here, but we'll also have to remain mentally fit. Bonny? I haven't met him yet, I'm looking forward to meeting him and getting to know him better.'