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Bologna, 23 May 2024 – Recognition for a fantastic campaign that saw the Gialloblu promoted to Serie A with three games to spare. Today, in Bologna, Parma Calcio 1913 received an award from the Presidency of the Region.

“A truly extraordinary season. Congratulations on your return to Serie A!” This was the message written on the plaque that was presented during a short ceremony held at the Region’s headquarters.


All of the following were in attendance: Roel Vaeyens (Managing Director Sport); Fabio Pecchia (Men’s First Team Head Coach); Alessio Cracolici (Team Manager of the Men’s First Team) on behalf of the Sport Area; Luca Martines (Managing Director Corporate) and Valerio Casagrande (Chief Financial Officer) on behalf of the Corporate Area.


Parma Calcio 1913’s promotion to the Italian top flight has arrived after three seasons in Serie B and a campaign that saw the team collect 76 points from 38 matches, scoring 66 goals in the process.


STEFANO BONACCINI (President of the Emilia-Romagna Region)

“Parma have a tradition and history befitting Serie A football. The Club has returned to the top flight after an extraordinary season where the team played the best football in Serie B. Despite the young average age of the squad, the players displayed the character needed for a division as difficult as Serie B. Credit should go to the directors and Coach Pecchia for helping these young lads to demonstrate such quality, which we hope they’ll also display in Serie A. It’s only right to recognise what they’ve done, and the Emilia-Romagna Region, together with its community, is now dedicating a moment to a team that has done so well.”


LUCA MARTINES (Managing Director Corporate)

“It’s an honour to be here to receive this award. It’s an honour to have brought Parma and Emilia-Romagna to the highest level from a sporting and football perspective. There were some difficulties along the way, like the disappointment we felt last year. However, we’ve since been able to consolidate the sports and managerial area. We’re ready for the leap in quality. It’s a privilege because Parma is an example of excellence within a region that itself represents excellence, not just in Europe but the entire world.”


ROEL VAEYENS (Managing Director Sport)

“We’re here because we’ve done something special. It was a wonderful season that saw us win the league for the first time. The Club deserves to be in Serie A because of the city and history it represents, but this is never a guarantee in football. A lot of hard work has been put in this season by a lot of people and the entire Club, not just by those in the sports area. Everyone’s done a great job. Above all, I’d like to thank Fabio Pecchia, who has done some fantastic work with his technical and medical staff. We’ll now work hard to have a great campaign in 2024/25. The President sends his greetings, and we hope to do even better next season.”


FABIO PECCHIA (Men’s First Team Head Coach)

“Emilia-Romagna is winning. I played all over Italy and found my home in Bologna. I like being here and have seen what Parma, Bologna and Cesena have done this season; it should make us proud of the region. We’ll face Bologna next season, and it’ll be great to return to the Dall’Ara as an opponent.”


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